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We did it. Many thanks to all who made the trip

Lets all raise a glass and say a very big thank you to Jeff for arranging the accomodation and the events, to Tony for his help and especially his Dirty 30 Tee Shirts, to Rob for liasing with the CO of Gordon Barracks arranging the Barracks tour and Church Parade, to Aidan for the Sapper Certificate and not forgetting all the Staff at Georges. Cheers

I will be editing this page as time goes on and adding a photo page, bear with me for the time being. If I have got anybodies name wrong please email me to correct it

Visit your old Barracks, Open air barbecue, Trips on the River Weser, Bratwurst, Currywurst and all the other wursts, Drink from the boot again, Jog up the Bismarck, Follow the Pied Piper, Relive your youth


BAOR is withdrawing from Germany this could be your last chance to visit Gordon Barracks. We need more to make it a really good do, Jeff says 28 so far that includes wives and girlfriends. Please sell the pig and buy yourself in!